Grave slab of Georg Friedrich von Feuerschütz

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Georg Friedrich von Feuerschütz (* 1627 ; † August 18, 1647 ) was the last descendant of the noble Feuerschütz family . The family owned the manor in Feuerschützenbostel , which was later inhabited by the von Harling family .

Grave slab and inscription

The grave slab of Georg Friedrich von Feuerschütz, who was born in the Thirty Years War , can be found on the von Harlingschen Gut in Feuerschützenbostel today . According to the heavily weathered inscription on the slab, which was hewn from Obernkirchen sandstone in the mid-1960s , the “noble, strong and highly learned youth born in 1627 [...] was righteous and devout in science and schools and at the famous Julia University [in Helmstedt ? ] was brought up. ”Even before the end of the war, von Feuerschütz is said to have slept“ gently in the Lord ”at the age of 20.

The grave slab lying in the open on the estate shows the young man with long open hair, a sword slung over his clothes with gloves, and riding boots with spurs typical of the time.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Axel Bruns (general editor): The district of Celle. History, landscape, economy , ed. in cooperation with the district administration, Oldenburg (Oldb.): Stalling, 1966, p. 166

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