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Graphotherapy , also known as writing movement therapy , is a therapy for the treatment of writing weaknesses that tries to influence movement sequences through exercises, in particular by copying writing. This is intended to normalize impaired writing motor skills. Graph therapy is based on the assumption - considered pseudoscientific by academic science - that graphology is able to reflect traits of the writer.


Following suggestions from France, Magdalene Heermann developed writing movement therapy in German-speaking countries in collaboration with neurologists and paediatricians, based on the graphological work of Rudolf Pophal and Robert Heiss (see graphology # people ).

The essential elements of Magdalene Heermann's writing movement therapy are:

  • Finding the individual rhythm.
  • Relaxation exercises: The movements become larger and reach out further into the room, and they become more relaxed in order to mobilize the psychological driving forces.
  • Concentration exercises: In addition to the relaxation exercises, these cause an intensive rhythmization, which also affects the breath.

The first thing in graphotherapy is to try to relieve tension. Attention is paid to the posture, the way the writing utensils are held, the individual shapes of the letters and, in general, fine motor skills . The exercises are supported by music. Often this also includes sequences in which the entire body is moved. We work with large-format paper, with various writing implements, including brushes and paint. According to Heermann, the exercises can loosen up the overall psychological situation and help develop the personality.


Children and young people

Children and young people in particular are treated this way. There can be causes of writing difficulties

  • insufficient guidance in learning to write. Bad posture and improper posture of the writing utensils can often be observed.
  • Difficulties associated with other impairments, particularly dyslexia .
  • Impairment of vision or hearing.
  • Functional dystonia , also called writer's cramp.
  • Gifted: when the thoughts are much faster than can be written.


In connection with diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. Essentially, these are Parkinson's disease and signs of aging. Magdalene Heermann has developed and refined her method to treat her mother after a stroke.

Own representations

  • Raymond Trillat, Huguette Masson: Expérience de graphothérapie en psychopédagogie. Method of relaxation graphique. Préface de M. Georges Mauco. Paris 1957.
  • Magdalene Heermann: Writing movement therapy for developmentally disturbed and neurotic children and adolescents. Bielefeld 1965.
  • Ragnhild Oussoren-Voors: Writing Dance 1. From abstract movements to concrete lines. Dortmund 2009, ISBN 978-3-8080-0374-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Dorsch: Psychological dictionary. Bern 1976.
  2. Raymond Trillat, Huguette Masson: Experience de graphothérapie en psychopédagogie. Method of relaxation graphique. Préface de M. Georges Mauco. Paris 1957.
  3. Magdalene Heermann: Writing movement therapy for developmentally disturbed and neurotic children and adolescents. Bielefeld 1965, p. 111.
  4. Sulamit Samuleit: About the perception of one's own rhythm. In: GraphologieNews , February 2009 ( PDF ).
  5. Magdalene Heermann: Writing movement therapy for developmentally disturbed and neurotic children and adolescents. Bielefeld 1965, p. 21 ff.
  6. Magdalene Heermann: Writing movement therapy for developmentally disturbed and neurotic children and adolescents. Bielefeld 1965, p. 111.