Grass yard number

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Physical key figure
Surname Grass yard number
Formula symbol
dimension dimensionless
Acceleration due to gravity
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Resting temperature
Characteristic length
kinematic viscosity
Named after Franz Grashof
scope of application viscous currents

The Grashof number (named after Franz Grashof , 1826–1893) is a dimensionless number in fluid mechanics that is suitable for estimating flows in thermal convection . It indicates the ratio of the static buoyancy of a fluid to the force acting on the fluid through viscosity , multiplied by the ratio of the inertial force to the viscous force:


The reformulation of the Navier-Stokes equations in the dimensionless form results in the form equivalent to the definition given above


  • density
  • Density in the undisturbed fluid.

The Grashof number can also be converted into an equivalent Reynolds number in order to then be able to apply the formulas of free convection to forced convection :

See also

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