Gray autumn tenette

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Gray autumn tenette
Synonyms Gray Renette, German Gray Renette
Malus-Graue-Autumn Strenette.jpg
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin presumably France

Random seedling

List of apple varieties

The gray autumn renette (also: gray renette or German gray renette ) is an old cultivar of the cultivated apple ( Malus domestica ) that belongs to the group of renettes .


The gray autumn stenette is characterized by strong to very strong growth, it tends to form high, wide crowns with heavily branched branches.

The tree is comparatively undemanding. Its fertility is described as varying from high to very high. It is not suitable for heavy soils, on very light soils the trees tend to let the fruit fall off. In too humid locations the gray autumn tenette often suffers from fruit tree cancer . The gray autumn tenette is particularly common in Westphalia .


The tasty fruit is medium-sized and has an irregular shape. The skin is dry, smooth to fine-rough and has a strong greenish-brown russeting. The orange-brownish cover color shimmers under the green base color. The flesh is juicy and crumbly, the taste is tart and tangy.

The fruit is ripe for consumption from October to December. The apple is used as dessert fruit, applesauce, cake topping and to make apple juice.


Web links

Commons : Graue Herbstrenette  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Gray autumn tenets on
  2. Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue: Gray Autumn Strenette