Grevenbroich Newspaper

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The Grevenbroicher Zeitung (GVZ) was a newspaper published in Grevenbroich by the Bochum printing company that appeared from 1831 to 1937 (with interruptions). It is one of the most important sources for the history of Grevenbroich in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Most of the holdings are available and can be viewed via the university library in Bonn, the Neuss district archive and the Grevenbroich city archive. Problems with researching the newspaper are currently still the frequently contradicting annual data.

The first edition in 1831 or 1832

In 1831 the Bochum'sche Buchdruckerei moved into an annex to the old castle, where the Grevenbroicher Zeitung (also the organ of Gilbach) was first published by Wilhelm Heinrich Bochum. It was probably published as a small-format weekly from 1831, at least Wolfgang Brandt (1989: 55) assumes that. The later anniversary editions also refer to the year 1831. However, Zumbusch (1925: 114) and Manfred Ganschinietz (1999: 392) give other dates. According to Zumbusch, the first issue of the business and entertainment gazette for the Grevenbroich district appeared on April 1, 1832. A Chr [istian] Bochum would have acted as the publisher. His statement is particularly reassuring, as he had probably seen the first number himself, after all, he writes that the first edition chose the first verse of the Horazi Ode as the motto, namely " Beatus unbekannt, qui procul negotiis ". Manfred Ganschinietz (1999: 392) also assumes that the newspaper was launched. According to a sample number on June 9, 1832, the newspaper was published regularly from July 4, 1832 as a business and entertainment paper for the Grevenbroich district and the nearest towns . After Bochum's death, his widow transfers the editorial team to IW Bochum .

The Grevenbroicher Zeitung and the BSV Grevenbroich

After the founding of the Bürgererschützenverein in 1849 Grevenbroich e. V., Heinrich Bochum was offered honorary membership in the BSV in 1851 and in the following years free advertisements were received in the Grevenbroicher newspaper.

Under the direction of Fühling and Vincenz von Zuccalmaglios

In 1861 the newspaper changed its mode of publication and its name under the leadership of Fühling. It was now published twice a week as a business and entertainment paper and an Landwirtschaftlicher Anzeiger for the Jülich region , on Wednesdays and Sundays. It was now printed in the Markt 4 building. After Zuccalmaglio's collaboration in the editorial department, Peter Anton Bochum probably took over between 1871 and 1873 Editing of the Grevenbroicher newspaper. Under him, the print shop moves from Am Markt 4 to Kölner Straße 12 , and at the same time a modernization of the printing company begins. An industrial engine is purchased and converted from a hand press to a high-speed press, and in 1879 a power gas engine is purchased. From 1873 the Grevenbroicher Zeitung is also the official organ for the Grevenbroich district.

Josef Bochum as senior editor

After the death of Peter Anton Bochum in 1897, his eldest son Josef Bochum took over the management of the editorial team. Under him the newspaper experienced a great boom. With the arrival of electricity in 1900, the entire company can be modernized again and an electric motor can be purchased for each machine. The company is handed over in 1903 by the widow PA Bochum to his sons Josef and Karl. It then trades as Gebr. Bochum . From 1907 it appeared three times a week and in 1909 it was possible to switch from manual typesetting to a typesetting machine.

First World War and newspaper publisher

Josef Bochum returns from the First World War seriously wounded, while the Grevenbroicher newspaper is banned by the High Interallied Rhineland Commission during the occupation . The newspaper was not published again until the early twenties. In 1924 two modern typesetting machines are purchased and the newspaper can appear more extensive.

100 years Grevenbroicher Zeitung and attitude

Congratulatory address from the Reich President

On May 16, 1931, the Grevenbroicher Zeitung celebrated its 100th anniversary, to which Reich President Paul von Hindenburg also congratulated with a congratulatory address. He writes:

“On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the“ Grevenbroicher Zeitung ”, I send my best wishes. I like to remember the loyal and courageous attitude of the “Grevenbroicher Zeitung” in the difficult years when foreign occupation and separatist troubles oppressed the Rhineland. Working for the common good without fear of sacrifice is a great deed and a good example, may your work in the future be inspired by the same spirit! "

In this phase, the editing lies with Heinrich Bochum and his cousin Walter. The year 1933 heralded the decline of the Grevenbroicher Zeitung. On May 16, 1933, the district resolved to terminate the contracts with the two official district gazettes, namely with the NGZ (contract of March 30, 1930) and the GVZ (contract of April 30, 1930). Efforts by the district committee member Quack to at least get the Grevenbroicher Zeitung's status as an official district journal fail. On August 31, 1937, the Grevenbroicher Zeitung finally ceased its publication. Earlier statements that this had already happened in 1936 were refuted a few years ago by a “new source discovery in the city archive”. The Bochums had offered the city a collection of the bound newspapers with an interruption from 1860 onwards and the city of Grevenbroich then inquired of the Prussian State Archives in Düsseldorf about the exact date of the last edition.


The holdings of the Grevenbroicher Zeitung and Grevenbroicher Kreisblatt are preserved as follows:

  • Berlin State Library, Prussian Cultural Heritage:
    • Business and entertainment journal for the Grevenbroich district and its surroundings (Bochum 1832–1847), issues 1. 1832 (April 4) - 16.1847. The newspaper appeared twice a week.
  • Neuss district archive: 1842, 1855–1872, 1912–1925
  • Neuss City Archives: 1875–1936 (?)
  • Grevenbroich City Archives: 1874–1936 (with gaps)
  • ULB Bonn:

Other incomplete holdings for the period from 1915 to 1925 also in the central library of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf:

  • Grevenbroicher Zeitung, April 1913 to March 1925; Signature Z 370 (2 °)

The holdings of the ULB Bonn for the period 1855 to 1869 were digitized as part of the project and are accessible via the project of the same name.


  • Christian Heidrich : Catholic Neuss press and associations in the culture war. Neuss 1994.
  • Wolfgang Brandt: A "Grevenbroich Newspaper" . In: At a glance. Theater, concerts, exhibitions, lectures and other events. Edited by the city of Grevenbroich. Grevenbroich 1990, pp. 55-57.

Web links

Wikiversity: Grevenbroich  - course materials

Individual evidence

  1. See Grevenbroicher Zeitung of May 16, 1931.