Christian Heidrich

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Christian Heidrich (born July 3, 1960 in Bierawa , Poland) is a German theologian , publicist and translator from Polish.


After studying philosophy and theology, Christian Heidrich worked in the pastoral care of the Catholic Church and received his doctorate in 1994. theol. with the work " Leszek Kołakowski between skepticism and mysticism". This work was carried out at the University of Freiburg i.Br. awarded the Bernhard Welte Prize . Two years earlier, in connection with a Cardinal Bertram scholarship , he had already submitted the large-scale study “ Carlo Bayer . A Roman from Silesia and a pioneer of Caritas Internationalis ”. A central chapter deals with the Biafra conflict, in which Bayer was very exposed in dealing with it charitable. In 2002 Heidrich published “The Converts. On religious and political conversions ”. On the basis of numerous biographical cases, the author developed the thesis that the value of a conversion can ultimately only be recognized by its effects, by its “fruits” (cf. Mt. 7:16). The work has been reviewed in numerous publications at home and abroad. In 2006 a selection of his biblical meditations “In search of embers. Gospel Essays ”.

Heidrich works with the magazines Christ in der Gegenwart , Sinn und Form und Akzente . He also translates poems from Polish, especially by Czesław Miłosz . Since 2001 he has also been teaching the Catholic religion at the Leibniz Gymnasium in Östringen .


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