Grillparzer Society

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Franz Grillparzer

The Grillparzer Society is a literary association founded in Vienna in 1890 for the Grillparzer research and maintenance of Austrian literature. As one of the oldest literary societies, it is based on the person and work of Grillparzer and its activities also apply to literary, theater, cultural and intellectual history from the 19th century to the present. The Society's yearbook was founded by Karl Glossy and edited from 1940 to 1944 by Karl Backmann . The current president is Johann Hüttner .


  • Yearbook of the Grillparz Society . 1st to 34th vol. (1890–1940)
  • Yearbook of the Grillparz Society. New episode . 1st to 4th vol. (1941–1944)
  • Yearbook of the Grillparz Society. 3rd episode . 1st to 25th vol. (1953-2014)

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