Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta

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Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager

Grand Chancellor (Magnus Cancellarius) and thus Foreign Minister is one of the four high offices of the Order of Malta and is assigned to a professed or obedient knight .


The Grand Chancellor is elected by the Sovereign Council with a simple majority.


The Grand Chancellor is the head of the executive branch, who is responsible for internal (relations with national associations) and external ( diplomatic missions ) affairs of the Order.

Subordinate to the Grand Master, he is entrusted with the political direction and the management of the internal administration as well as with the coordination of the religious activities.


See also

Portal: Order of Malta  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the Order of Malta

Individual evidence

  1. a b Constitution of the Order (PDF; 400 kB)
  2. During the brief dismissal of Boeselagers, which was withdrawn in January 2017; see: Exclusive: Cardinal Burke and Grand Master Festing defied wishes of Pope by sacking Grand Chancellor , in: The Tablet of January 6, 2017, retrieved on January 12, 2017.
  3. In its meeting on January 28, 2017, the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta accepted the resignation of the Grand Master and the rehabilitation of Boeselagers, ordered by the Pope, who had to be reinstated in his previous offices and took part in the deliberations of the Council, see Andrea Tornielli : Malta , Boeselager torna Cancelliere. Accolta la rinuncia di Festing. In: La Stampa , January 28, 2017, accessed on the same day.

Web links

  • Information on the official website of the Order of Malta