Gruba Kaśka

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Gruba Kaśka in the anniversary year 2009
The old well

The Big Käthchen (Polish: Gruba Kaśka ) is a well socket that supplies the part of Warsaw on the right bank of the Vistula with water.

Before the “Gruba Kaśka” was built, Warsaw was supplied with drinking water exclusively through Lindley filters . Despite the multiple modernizations, the old system could not meet the increasing demand. In 1964 the new well socket was built on the proposal of engineer Włodzimierz Skoraczewski, which was built in the middle of the river bed of the Vistula . Because of its round shape, it was called "Gruba Kaśka" by the Warsaw residents, referring to the round fountain building from the 18th century by Simon Gottlieb Zug .

The system consists of a shaft from which radiate 15 drainage pipes with a total length of 1472 meters. The river water passes a 4 to 8 m thick layer of sand, which is constantly renewed by the river current. The water flows from the drains through a 300 m long tunnel to the water treatment plant on the right bank of the Vistula. The plant can deliver 90,000 to 120,000 cubic meters of drinking water daily.

When the water level is low, the upper sand layer is churned up by two small ships.

Web links

Commons : Gruba Kaśka  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 13 '17.7 "  N , 21 ° 3' 24.8"  E