Basic light

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In the field of theater lighting , basic light is the person's light (play light) that completely illuminates the stage or stage area as the primary result of illuminating the stage or stage area.


The starting point for illuminating a basic light are essentially two requirements:

  1. The creation of a person light suitable for the respective stage production at every point of the playing area. First and foremost, the effect of different light qualities, especially the direction of light , on people and objects must be taken into account.
  2. The ability to divide the play area lighting into locally illuminated play areas. This requirement is an economic one. Their fulfillment makes it possible to operate a large part of the (locally limited) game scenes from the basic light.


There are various options for setting up the basic lighting. They differ in the parameters:

  • Direction of light (position of the light source to the illuminated object)
  • Type of light bundling (depending on the optical functional principle of the headlights used )
  • Light intensity
  • Light color

The decision for a basic type of light depends on the stage area and the intentions of the director . Characteristic for a basic type of light is the almost identical quality of light in terms of direction, focus, intensity and color at every location within the entire playing area.

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