Elementary school religion

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Elementary school religion
Logo Primary School Religion.jpg
description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Ev. and cath. Religious Education Primary School
language German
publishing company Friedrich Verlag ( Germany )
First edition 2002
Frequency of publication 4 times a year
editor Dietlind Fischer, Susanne von Braunmühl, Lena Kuhl, Christine Lehmann, Gertrud Miederer, Beate Peters, Matthias Pfeufer, Franz Thalmann
Elementary school religion

The primary school religion magazine is a didactic specialist journal for Protestant and Catholic religion in primary schools. The magazine is ecumenically oriented.

Interreligious learning by teachers and children is promoted through contributions from a Jewish and Islamic perspective on the respective topics. Grundschule Religion is published four times a year and consists of a 32-page booklet and a section of material tailored to the topic (e.g. picture book, CD-ROM, picture cards, posters).


The focus of the magazine is on the "Practice" section with articles on teaching ideas and series as well as learning materials for the students' hands. Lessons are presented with impulses, leading questions, individual forms of work, opportunities for differentiation and the active participation of the children. In the headings “On the subject” and “Background”, the magazine provides information on the theological, educational and developmental background of the subjects.

The themed booklets focus on

  • biblical stories (creation, commandments, Joseph stories, parables, miracles),
  • Life situations of children (courage and fear, guilt and forgiveness, child poverty),
  • Festivals in the church year and in the religions (Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving),
  • didactic topics (design transitions),
  • theological, ethical and philosophical issues (happiness, evil, peace, dealing with strangers).


Elementary School Religion is published by Dietlind Fischer (Comenius Institute Münster) in collaboration with

  • Susanne von Braunmühl (PTI North Elbe / Hamburg)
  • Lena Kuhl,
  • Christine Lehmann (Leibniz University Hannover),
  • Gertrud Miederer (RPZ Heilsbronn),
  • Beate Peters (RPI Loccum),
  • Matthias Pfeufer (RPZ Bavaria)
  • Franz Thalmann (Episcopal Vicariate Hildesheim).

The journal's technical advisors are

  • Bernhard Dressler (Philipps University Marburg)
  • Norbert Mette (University of Dortmund).

Web links