Property entrance

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A property entrance describes the connection between a property and the public road network .

Importance in road traffic law

According to § 12 StVO parking in front of property entrances and exits is prohibited, on narrow lanes also opposite them. This only applies to third parties, but not to the owner himself and also not to persons to whom the property owner has expressly permitted parking in front of the property entrance. This also applies if other traffic signs prohibit parking on this street (e.g. parking only in marked areas, residents' parking zone).

When a street is narrow within the meaning of the law (with the result that it is not allowed to park opposite the property entrance), must be decided on a case-by-case basis. The frequently quoted assertion that the property owner can reasonably be expected to maneuver three times is not applicable in general terms.

If you drive out of a property, you have to wait according to § 10 StVO .

Individual evidence

  1. BayObLG, decision of February 26, 1992, AZ 2 Ob OWi 403/91
  2. OLG Düsseldorf, decision of January 8, 1994, AZ 5 Ss (OWi) 393/93
  3. VGH Munich, decision of December 21, 2015, AZ 11 CS 05.1329