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Grypsera (Polish pronunciation: [ɡrɨˈpsɛra]; derived from Low German Gripps and means "intelligence", "cleverness") is a pronounced sociolect of the Polish language , which is traditionally used by prison inmates ( crooks language ). It developed in prisons in the Russian part of Poland ( Congress Poland ) in the 19th century .

The basic substrate of the dialect is Polish, but with many notable (mostly lexical) influences from other languages ​​used in Polish countries at the time, most notably Yiddish , German , Ukrainian, and Russian . It was also heavily influenced by various regional dialects of the Polish language, most notably the Bałak jargon of Lviv in Galicia and the Warsaw dialect .

It originally served as a "secret language," but in the late 19th century it became a standard sociolect for prison inmates. Grypsera is constantly evolving to maintain the status of a language that is only understood by a select group of inmates and not by the guards or informants. Because of this, it is currently one of the lexically richest dialects of the Polish language. It is also not possible to compile a comprehensive dictionary of the dialect as it varies from prison to prison.

Phonetically, Grypsera is similar to the Warsaw dialect and shares its most notable features of the assimilation of ⟨i⟩ [i] into ⟨y⟩ [ɨ] and the disappearance of nasal vowels , especially in the final syllables.

Individual evidence

  1. grypsera - Encyclopedia PWN . Internetowa encyklopedia PWN . Accessed March 2018.
  2. Radosława Rodasik, Ewelina Ćwiertnia, Jozef Zat'ko: Język podkultury więziennej - gwara. język migowy, tatuaż . In: Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego “Apeiron” w Krakowie (ed.): Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka - Praktyka - Refleksje . 13, January-June 2013, ISSN  2299-4033 , pp. 119-127. Accessed March 2018.
  3. Andrzej Katny: The German loanwords in Polish Gaunersprache. In: Studia Germanica Gedanensia, Volume 10, Instytut Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ISSN 1230-6045.
  4. Ewa Geller: Etymology of some Yiddish and German swear words and crook names in Polish. In: Zeitschrift für Slawistik, Volume 42, 1997, ISSN 2196-7016, pp. 274-284.