Guglielmo Cinque

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Guglielmo Cinque (* 1948 in La Spezia ) is an Italian linguist and professor of linguistics at the Università Ca 'Foscari di Venezia .


Cinque studied literature and linguistics at the Universities of Venice and Padua and at the University of California, Berkeley . After graduating, he worked as a research assistant at these universities as well as at the University of Edinburgh . Since 1981 he has been a full professor at the University of Venice. He is an honorary professor at the University of Bucharest and its honorary doctorate as well as an honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America . In 2012 he was elected a full member of the Academia Europaea .


Cinque works in the areas of ( generative ) syntax and language typology . He is considered a pioneer in the field of syntactic cartography . With his book Adverbs and Functional Heads , published in 1999 , he set up the much- noticed hypothesis of a universal hierarchy of scopes , which has been proven for many languages ​​to this day. The question of why all languages ​​follow this hierarchy remains unresolved or highly controversial.


  • Cinque, G. (1999): Adverbs and Functional Heads. A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Oxford University Press.
  • Cinque, G. (1990): Types of Ā-dependencies. MIT Press.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Membership directory: Guglielmo Cinque. Academia Europaea, accessed October 3, 2017 .

Web links