Guillermo Suarez Mason

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Carlos Guillermo Suárez Mason (born January 24, 1924 in Buenos Aires , Argentina , † June 21, 2005 in Buenos Aires) was an Argentine general who played a leading role in the kidnapping and murder of up to 30,000 opposition members by the military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983 played. The victims became known as Desaparecidos ( Spanish for "The Disappeared") because they were usually secretly kidnapped and often "disappeared" from life without a trace .

In 1976, immediately after the military coup, he was the commander of the first army corps, which took control of the capital Buenos Aires . In 1979, he allegedly told a US Embassy representative that he signed between 50 and 100 death sentences every day. He was also the commander of the Batallón de Inteligencia 601 intelligence unit , which was responsible for a large number of murders and serious human rights violations.

After the dictatorship in Argentina, Suárez Mason was convicted of kidnapping 254 people and assisting in the illegal adoption of children of " disappeared ", murdered opponents of the regime. Italy , Germany and Spain applied for his extradition because he allegedly had their citizens murdered as well. In 2000, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for the murder of eight Italian citizens in Argentina.

In Argentina he was nicknamed "Butcher of El Olimpo". He died of a heart attack at the age of 81 .

Individual evidence
