Guillermo Valencia

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Guillermo Valencia

Guillermo Valencia (born October 20, 1873 in Popayán , † July 8, 1943 ibid) was a Colombian poet and politician .

Valencia stayed for a long time in Paris , where he made contacts with French poets and also made the acquaintance of Oscar Wilde . He also stayed in Germany for a long time and came into contact with Nietzsche here . In his poetry, in which he deals with both philosophical and exotic subjects, there are not only domestic influences, but also influences from Europe, such as the French Parnassia , symbolism and romanticism . Valencia also emerged as a translator, for example of works by Oscar Wilde and Stefan George . A full edition of his poetic works was published in 1948. He was the father of the Colombian politician Guillermo León Valencia .

Works (selection)

  • Ritos , poem, 1899
  • Discursos , prose, 1915
  • Poemas , poems, 1917
  • Panegíricos, discursos y artículos , 1923
  • Catay , translation, 1929


  • Valencia, Guillermo , in: Gero von Wilpert (ed.): Lexikon der Weltliteratur , Vol. 1: Authors, 3rd edition, Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-520-80703-3 , p. 1552.