Guillermo Zapiola

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Guillermo Zapiola (born December 27, 1945 in Montevideo , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan film critic .

In 1968 he won the essay competition of the Cine Universitario del Uruguay with a work on Alfred Hitchcock . In 1979 he emerged as the winner of the critic and essay competition of the Cinemateca Uruguaya with Nosferatu: de Friedrich W. Murnau a Werner Herzog . Since 1980 he has been the editor of the Cinemateca Revista , where he also served at times as the editorial secretary ( Secretario de Redacción ). From 1982 on he also worked in a controlling role at the Cinemateca Uruguaya. From 1980 he was also employed as a film critic for the daily El País . From 1983 to 1990 he also worked in this division for the weekly La Democracia . There he used the pseudonym Germán Lago .


  • Historia y filmografía del cine uruguayo , co-authored in 1988
