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Guldvägen ( German  Goldweg ) is a tourist route in South Lapland and North Västerbotten .


Guldvägen runs from the Boliden smelter in Rönnskär in Skelleftehamn to Malå in southern Lapland along the roads Länsväg 372, Riksväg 95 and Länsväg 370.


Guldvägen is a tourist term to connect the sights of the Guldriket ( German  gold empire ), a region that experienced a gold rush in the 1930s and in which 40 mines were temporarily in operation. These sights have in common that they have to do with the extraction of sulphite ore (gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, etc.) in Skelleftefältet.

The name refers to the established and nearby Silvervägen ( Silberweg ).

Web links

  • Around Malå. (PDF) Village Development Council in Malå, accessed on September 10, 2014 .