Gurunsi languages

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The Gurunsi languages , also known as Grusi languages , are a language family of the Gur languages branch within the Niger-Congo family of languages . They include 23 individual languages ​​in a Northern, Eastern and Western branch.

The term Gurunsi was probably used for the first time in 1886 by the Africa explorer Gottlob Krause . The idea that the Gurun speakers are a single ethnic group was abandoned because, despite their linguistic affinity, there are great cultural differences between the ethnic groups. In addition, Gurunsi is not a term used by the so called people themselves; it only has an exclusive function in the languages ​​of neighboring ethnic groups. Due to the linguistic relationship, the term is still allowed to be used meaningfully in this area.


Web links


  • Hans Peter Hahn: A propos d'une histoire régionale des Kassena au Burkina Faso . In: Yénouyaba Georges Madiéga, Oumarou Nao (ed.): Burkina Faso. Cent ans d'histoire, 1895-1995 . Volume 2, Karthala, Paris 2003
  • Jürgen Zwernemann: Shall We Use the Word 'Gurunsi'? . In: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute . Vol. 28, No. 2, April 1958, pp. 123-125