Gustave Malécot

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Gustave Malécot (born December 28, 1911 in La Grand-Croix , † November 1998 in Fayence ) was a French mathematician .


Malécot had a major impact on population genetics .


  • Malécot G. Les mathématiques de l'hérédité . Paris: Masson & Cie, 1948.


  • Epperson, Bryan K. (1999). Gustave Malécot, 1911–1998: Population Genetics Founding Father. In: Genetics 152 , 477-484. Article
  • Nagylaki, Thomas (1989). Gustave Malécot and the transition from classical to modern population genetics. In: Genetics 122 , 253-268. Article
  • Slatkin, Montgomery & Veuille, Michel (Eds.) (2002). Modern developments in theoretical population genetics: the legacy of Gustave Malécot . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-859963-3 .

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