Gwangju Biennale

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Gwangju Biennale Exhibition Hall

The Gwangju Biennale , which took place for the first time in 1995 in the South Korean city of Gwangju , was the first contemporary art biennial in Asia.


  • First September 20 - November 20, 1995 Beyond Borders
  • Second September 1st - November 27th, 1997 de-mapping of the globe
  • Third March 29th - June 7th 2000 Man and Space
  • Fourth March 29th - June 29th, 2002 P_A_U_S_E
  • Fifth September 10th - November 13th, 2004. A speck of dust. A drop of water
  • Sixth September 8th - November 11th 2006. Fever variations
  • Seventh September 5th - November 9th, 2008.
  • Eleventh September 2 - November 6, 2016. The Eighth Climate
  • Twelfth September 7th - November 11th 2018. Imagined Borders

First: Beyond the Limits (1995)

660 artists from 58 countries took part in the first biennial. 817 works of art were exhibited. The main theme "Beyond the Boundaries" combined all possible identificatory distinctions and indifference. This included, for example, ideology, nations, religions, skin colors, cultures, and artistic styles. Many innovative young artists were there.

Second: De-mapping the Globe (1997)

The main idea of ​​the second Gwangju Biennale was very similar to that of the first. The focus was on overcoming national borders and prejudices about the center and the periphery . The theme, "Decapping the Globe", is also derived from the Korean meditation concept "Yeobaik". This literally means "empty space" - a fundamental basic motif of Korean art.

The exhibition was divided into five parts: Speed, Space, Hybrid, Energy and Becoming.

Third: People and Space (2000)

The theme was "to move humanity in its civilizational development into the center of the exhibition and to pose the question of the human condition in the past, present and future". The main sections of the exhibition were divided into regions of the world.

Fourth: P_A_U_S_E (2002)

The fourth Gwangju Biennale was curated by Charles Esche , Hou Hanru and San Wan Kyung. The topic was P_A_U_S_E, i.e. the moment of critical reflection and dynamic changes in the global art scene. In addition, the biennale shed light on the cultural and artistic growth in the host city of Gwangju, its alternative art scene and the communication between its artist groups.

Fifth: A Speck of Dust A Drop of Water (2004)

The 2004 Gwangju Biennale, curated by Yongwoo Lee and co-curated by Kerry Brougher and Sukwon Chang, acted as an experimental cultural forum about enhancing the audience. Instead of just being a passive observer, it was allowed to actively participate with selected artists of the Biennale in the joint production of works of art. A speck of dust A drop of water is a vital natural phenomenon and at the same time an ecological interpretation of order. It describes the cycle of creation and extinction. Dust suggests noise and screams, contains the objects of our sprawling consumer sphere from industrialized society. A drop of water suggests the medium of creation, animates the inanimate to enable the cycle of life. Dust plus water heals the negative elements of contemporary society. This revitalizes new cultural and aesthetic values ​​in the contemporary world.

Sixth: Fever Variations (2006)

The exhibition's artistic director was Kim Hong-hee . She worked with curators Wu Hung and Kim San-yun. The topic emphasized the emerging development of Asia and globalization, which, in addition to the economy, also spurs art and culture to feverish lines of development.

Seventh: (2008)

Okwui Enwezor was the artistic director of the exhibition, entitled "Annual Report: A Year In Exhibitions" . Other curators were Ranjit Hoskoté and the South Korean Hyunjin Kim.

Eleventh: (2016)

The curator of the exhibition entitled “The Eighth Climate” was Maria Lind .

Twelfth: (2018)

165 artists from 43 different countries took part in the 12th Gwangju Biennale, spread over seven exhibition spaces. It was compiled by a collective of eleven curators from around the world.

See also

Web links


  1. ^ All the noise of the eighth world in FAZ of September 13, 2016, page 12