Gyrinus urinator

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Gyrinus urinator
Gyrinus urinator.jpg

Gyrinus urinator

Superclass : Six-footed (Hexapoda)
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Tumbler beetle (Gyrinidae)
Genre : Gyrinus
Type : Gyrinus urinator
Scientific name
Gyrinus urinator
Illiger , 1807

Gyrinus urinator is a beetle from the family of whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 5.5 to 7.5 millimeters. Their body is black on the top and has a blue tinge. The sides of the body are rust-red, the stripes on the wings are copper-colored. The inner stripes are only very weak, but like the others are marked in gold. In between the wings are colored blue. The underside of the body is solid yellow. The scutellum is not keeled.


The species is widespread in southern Europe, throughout the Mediterranean including North Africa, as well as in Western Europe (France to England and Ireland) and parts of Eastern Europe. The animals also live in the Canaries . They are absent in Central Europe.



  • A. Horion: Faunistics of the Central European Beetles Volume I: Adephaga - Caraboidea, Hans Goecke Verlag, Krefeld, 1941.
  • Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica. The beetles of the German Reich (= digital library . 134). Neusatz and facsimile of the 5-volume edition Stuttgart 1908 to 1916. Directmedia Publishing, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89853-534-7 .