Hødysse from Gundsømagle

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Hødysse from Gundsømagle; Watercolor by Jacob Kornerup (1863)

The Hødysse of Gundsømagle (also called Eilsøholm Langdysse) is a dolmen on the western outskirts of Gundsømagle near Jyllinge on the Danish island of Zealand . It is a megalithic system of the Funnel Beaker Culture (TBK), which dates from 3500 to 2800 BC. Was built.


The Hødysse is a so-called Langdysse in an approximately 1.5 m high mound bed of approximately 30.0 × 8.0 m. About in the middle of the megalithic bed is a chamber with three supporting stones (and an entrance stone) with a high, cube-like, bizarre capstone with a bowl on top, which rises about 1.8 m above the hill. At the southern end of the megalithic bed there are two side stones of a second, but gone, chamber. Apart from the east side, the curbs of the megalithic bed have been preserved, but are mostly not in situ . The dolmen is located on a cultivated field over the Roskilde - fjord .

Around Gundsømagle are also the Thoradysse , Hovdysse and Gulddysse dolmens .

See also


  • Peter V. Glob : prehistoric monuments of Denmark. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1968.
  • Jürgen E. Walkowitz: The megalithic syndrome. European cult sites of the Stone Age (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Vol. 36). Beier & Beran, Langenweißbach 2003, ISBN 3-930036-70-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. Langdysse is the name commonly used in Denmark for dolmens that lie in a rectangular or trapezoidal barn, in contrast to round dolmens or round dysers are those dolmens that lie in a round hill

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Coordinates: 55 ° 44 ′ 7.6 ″  N , 12 ° 8 ′ 18.2 ″  E