HMS Thunderbolt

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Several ships in the Royal Navy were named HMS Thunderbolt , from the English word for lightning strike:

  • HMS Thunderbolt (1696) was originally a French ship that fell into British hands and entered service in 1696 under the name HMS Thunderbolt . The ship was used as the Hulk from 1699 and was demolished in 1731.
  • HMS Thunderbolt (1842) was a wooden paddle steamer . The sloop was launched in 1842 and lost off South Africa in 1847.
  • HMS Thunderbolt (1856) was a floating battery launched in 1856. In 1873 the unit was converted into a floating pier . Between 1916 and 1919 the ship was renamed HMS Daedalus and used as a depot ship for the Royal Naval Air Service . The ship sank in 1948 as a result of a collision with a tug , was lifted the following year and then demolished.
  • HMS Thunderbolt (N25) was a submarine of the T-Class , which in 1938 named HMS Thetis was launched in 1939 and sank off Liverpool in trials in which 99 men died. The boat was lifted when HMS Thunderbolt entered service and sunk north of Sicily by the Italian corvette Cicogna in 1943 .