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HOTAS is the name of a control concept to increase flight safety, in which all the operating elements essential for flight operations are attached to the control stick and the throttle .

The name is an acronym for the English expression H ands O n T hrottle A nd S tick , what with "hands on throttle and stick can be translated" and refers to it, the hands of the pilot in command that (almost) continuously at these two important controls and not elsewhere, such as in the pilot's lap.

Flight safety

HOTAS enables the pilot to keep his hands on the throttle and the control stick. Because these elements rarely have to be let go of, his response time when using them is reduced and flight safety is increased. This is because the period of time that a pilot needs to grasp the control stick and / or throttle again extends the course of action.


HOTAS is used in all modern western and most modern Russian combat aircraft .

The same idea is behind multi-function steering wheels that place controls for indicators , high beam and windshield wipers within easy reach. Buttons for controlling the car electronics ( car radio , car phone , on-board computer , cruise control , air conditioning , etc.) have been added.