Hadamard's inequality

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In mathematics , the Hadamard inequality describes an estimate for the determinant of a square matrix . It is named after the French mathematician Jacques Salomon Hadamard .

Classic Hadamard inequality

Let be a matrix over the complex numbers with the column vectors , then with the Euclidean norm

With the QR decomposition of the matrix, the following applies

where is.

Geometric view

Is a matrix with real entries, then the volume of their row or column vectors spanned dimensional parallelepiped . This volume is maximal for orthogonal rows (or columns) and is consequently at most as large as the volume of the -dimensional cuboid with edges of the lengths .

Attenuated Hadamard Inequality

Let be a commutative ring with pseudo magnitude and a matrix over with the row vectors . Then applies

with the 1- pseudo norm .


  • Because of this, the classical Hadamard inequality provides the sharper estimate.
  • If a ring is based on the usual absolute value function of complex numbers (example: the whole numbers ), then the more stringent classical Hadamard inequality is always applicable.
