Haliplus varius

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Haliplus varius
Superclass : Six-footed (Hexapoda)
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Water treaders (Haliplidae)
Genre : Haliplus
Type : Haliplus varius
Scientific name
Haliplus varius
Nicolai , 1822

Haliplus varius is a beetle from the family of water treaders (Haliplidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 3 millimeters. The body is only slightly shiny and matt on the upper side and has a very fine point structure everywhere. The wing covers have fine dotted stripes and black vertical stripes that partially flow together. The pronotum is yellow and has a well-defined black transverse band on both the front and rear edges. Basal lines may or may not be present. The prothorax is not bordered between the hips and is densely punctured.

Occurrence and way of life

The species occurs in eastern Finland and northwestern Russia, in Poland, northern and eastern Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, northeastern France, northern Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic. It is rare in Central Europe and only widespread locally. The animals live in clean, stagnant and slowly flowing waters.



  • Adolf Horion : Faunistics of the German beetles. Volume 1: Adephaga - Caraboidea. Hans Goecke, Krefeld 1941.
  • Edmund Reitter : Fauna Germanica. The beetles of the German Reich (= digital library . 134). Neusatz and facsimile of the 5-volume edition Stuttgart 1908 to 1916. Directmedia Publishing, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89853-534-7 .