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Hallodri is a colloquial term used primarily in southern Germany as well as in Austria for a light-footed, easy-going and sometimes unpredictable person due to his instability.

Also and above all in terms of interpersonal (love) relationships Hallodri as a synonym for a rascal , scamp or windy dog used the moral rules too closely observed . Rather benevolent, the word can also denote a life artist , rascal or fool .

The name is probably a corruption of the Greek term allotria , which first appeared in the scholarly language of the 17th century .


  • Heinz Küpper: Dictionary of German colloquial language. 1st edition, 6th reprint. Stuttgart, Munich, Düsseldorf, Leipzig: Klett, 1997


Web links

Wiktionary: Hallodri  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Knaur, The German Dictionary, Lexicographical Institute Munich, 1985, page 458.