Namakura Gatana

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Anime movie
title Hanawa Hekonai Meitō no Maki
Original title 塙 凹 内 名刀 之 巻
Anime cell 1917.jpg
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
Publishing year 1917
Studio Kobayashi Shōkai
length 2 minutes
Director Kōuchi Jun'ichi
script Kōuchi Jun'ichi

Namakura Gatana ( Japanese な ま く ら 刀 , German “the blunt sword”) or Hanawa Hekonai Meitō no Maki ( 塙 凹 内 名刀 之 巻 , German for example: “Hanawa Hekonai's famous sword”) is a short Japanese anime from 1917 produced by animator and cartoonist Kōuchi Jun'ichi .

The short silent film was rediscovered in an antique shop in the Japanese city of Osaka in March 2008 , is two minutes long and shows a samurai who cannot get along with his newly bought sword.

Individual evidence

  1. Two Nine-Decade-Old Anime Films Discovered (Updated). In: Anime News Network. March 27, 2008, accessed August 24, 2013 .

Web links