Commercial Code of the Republic of Lithuania

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The Commercial Code of the Republic of Lithuania ( Lithuanian Lietuvos Respublikos komercinis kodeksas ) was an official draft for a comprehensive Lithuanian commercial law codification and thus the main legal source of commercial law in Lithuania . It did not come into effect.


The Presidium of Parliament (of the then Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania) formed a working group of lawyers and economists to develop the Commercial Code. By March 1992, the draft should be submitted to the Board of Governors Commission on the Legal System. The cost of around 60,000 rubles at the time was financed by the state budget. However, the project was not accepted as it was decided to combine Lithuanian civil and commercial law in a common code. In 2000 this was adopted as Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas .

Working group

The new code was prepared by private law scholars from the Faculties of Law and Economics of Vilnius University :

  • Vladas Staskonis (Head), Faculty of Law
  • Vytautas Mackevičius , lecturer in the Faculty of Economics
  • Valentinas Mikelėnas (* 1958), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Head of the Department of Civil Law
  • Arvydas Pajuodis, lecturer in the Faculty of Economics
  • Viktoras Tiažkijus (* 1957), Faculty of Law
  • Stasys Vėlyvis (* 1938), government lawyer
  • Alfonsas Vileita (* 1930), lecturer at the Chair of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law.


  1. Dėl darbo grupės Lietuvos Respublikos komercinio kodekso projektui rengti sudarymo (1991-11-20 Priėmė - Lietuvos Respublikos Aukščiausioji Taryba - Atkuriamasis Seimas)