Chamber of Crafts Halle (Saale)

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100 years of Chambers of Crafts in Germany: Postage stamp from 2000

The Halle (Saale) Chamber of Crafts is one of 53 chambers of crafts in Germany .


As a representative of the interests of 14,035 companies with 18,000 entrepreneurs and 73,000 employees, the Halle (Saale) Chamber of Crafts is committed to improving the economic and social framework conditions of the craft. The catchment area of ​​the Chamber of Crafts extends in southern Saxony-Anhalt from north to south from Zerbst to Zeitz, from west to east from Sangerhausen to Wittenberg. As a self-governing body of the craft, the chamber ensures the implementation of the craft regulations in its chamber district. The Chamber of Crafts performs public tasks such as leading the role of craftsmen and apprentices, supervising vocational training or swearing in experts.

The Chamber advises its member companies on issues to business startup , operation consulting , business succession , finance , marketing and company presentation on environmental protection, technology transfer and legal issues.

The Chamber of Crafts has an education and technology center (BTZ) with locations in Halle-Osendorf, Stedten and Wittenberg for inter-company training, master craftsman training in 18 trades as well as advanced and advanced training courses. The training center has 720 commercial and technical training and 284 theory places.


The highest decision-making body of the Chamber of Crafts is the general assembly. As the Parliament of the Crafts in the Chamber District, it defines the basic tasks of the Chamber of Crafts and decides, among other things, on the business plan, the contributions and the annual financial statements. The general assembly (36 members in total, including 24 employer and 12 employee representatives / journeymen) is elected by the members of the Chamber of Crafts for five years. The board of directors, i.e. the president, the two vice-presidents and six other board members is also elected from among their ranks. The board manages the business of the Chamber of Crafts between the plenary meetings. The general assembly also elects the management. The Chamber of Crafts is represented externally by the President and the General Manager.

The president is Thomas Keindorf , the general manager Dirk Neumann.

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