Hans-Fritz Kaiser

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Hans-Fritz Kaiser (born August 9, 1897 ; † after 1944) was a German garden technician, political functionary ( NSDAP ) and honorary member of the People's Court .

Kaiser lived as a garden technician and allotment gardener in Berlin . On April 9, 1926, he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 33.764), for which he later held functions as local group leader, city councilor and district leader.

In 1934 Kaiser was appointed as one of 23 honorary members of the 1st Senate of the National Socialist People's Court. In this capacity, Kaiser was still a member of the People's Court in 1944, when he participated as an honorary associate judge in some of the trials against those accused of treason in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 .

On the occasion of the Reichstag elections of 1938, Kaiser was also nominated as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag in the “List of the Führer for the election of the Greater German Reichstag on April 10, 1938” , but received no mandate.

Individual evidence

  1. Bengt von und zur Mühlen: The defendants of July 20 before the People's Court. 2001, p. 40.
  2. Erich Stockhorst: 5000 heads. Who what in the Third Reich? , 1967.