Hans-Jürgen Poppek

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Hans-Jürgen Poppek (born December 22, 1946 in Hoya ; † April 20, 2019 in Wolfsburg ) was a German scout .


In May 1962, Hans-Jürgen Poppek founded a settlement for what was then Germany's Christian Scouting Association in Wolfsburg . Poppek studied chemical engineering and was a chemical engineer. Between 1999 and 2012 he was a member of the VCP federal management; In 2000 he was elected federal chairman. He was confirmed in office at the 2009 Federal Assembly. In 2012 he gave up his office. Poppek promoted the development of Protestant scout work in East Germany. A strong focus of his work was the merging and pacification of different currents within the pluralistic scout association to a more scouting profile.

From 2000 to 2012, Hans Jürgen Poppek was national chairman of the largest Protestant scout association in Germany, the Association of Christian Scouts and Scouts (VCP). He was also chairman of an umbrella organization of the German scout movement, the Ring of German Scout Associations (RdP). Poppek lived in Wolfsburg.

In 2014, Hans-Jürgen Poppek was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of Federal President Joachim Gauck for his extraordinary services in the field of youth work .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Funeral service for Hans-Jürgen. Retrieved April 23, 2019 .
  2. http://www.vcp.de/was-wir-tun/gremien/bundesleitung/ehemalige-träger-der-vcp-bundesleitung/ Profile on VCP.de
  3. http://www.vcp.de/nachrichten/artikel/hans-juergen-poppek-vormaliger-vcp-bundesvorsitzender-erhaelt-das-bundesverdienstkreuz/
  4. http://www.waz-online.de/Wolfsburg/Stadt-Wolfsburg/Verdienstkreuz-fuer-Vater-der-Wolfsburger-Pfadfinder