Hans-Joachim Münzel

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Hans-Joachim Münzel (* 1903 ; † unknown) was a German administrative lawyer.


After receiving his doctorate from the law and political science faculty of the University of Göttingen, he joined the postal service in 1929. In 1940 he became President of the Reichspostdirektion Königsberg: His professional career was interrupted from 1944 onwards by military service and imprisonment. After returning home, he worked in the private sector from 1946 to 1951, then in the Central Post Office in Darmstadt. In 1952 he moved to the Federal Ministry for Post and Telecommunications , where he initially worked in Department III (Human Resources) as a liaison officer to the Federal Commissioner for Economic Efficiency in Administration, and from 1954 to 1956 head of Section III V (liaison with the Federal Commissioner for Economic Efficiency in Administration ) and from May 1955 on (special orders, fundamental questions from the salary law). In 1956 he was appointed President of the Stuttgart Postal Directorate. In 1968 he retired.


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