Hans Hartmut Karg

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Hans Hartmut Karg (born October 23, 1947 in Nördlingen ) is a German educationalist and, in addition to his forty years of examinations at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , was a teacher for 40 years and rector of a secondary school for 30 years. Hans Hartmut Karg busy in his research with the Personalmentalismus , the A-pedagogy , the Otiospädagogik , the mentality education and religious education .


The work of the educational philosopher and educational scientist is based on the network of norms of intention, function and condition norms in relation to the norms of long range ( phylogeneic norms), norms of medium range (sociogenic norms) and norms of short range (biography norms).

The observation criteria are Esse Est Percipi (in German: Being is being perceived ) by George Berkeley in the methodical context of Respondeo Ergo Sum (in German: I am answering ) by Martin Buber .

An essential finding in the analysis of late cultural development in his work appears to be the observation that referring back to sexualized, fun-social and function-based actions increases the risk of neglecting the basic humanizing value of culture, reading, writing, arithmetic, painting, composing, inventing, etc. to pass over, because entertaining and compensatory goals in life become more important than ideally and realistically guided ones. As a result, such cultural dreams endanger the environment, population planning and, above all, personal protection, if the people living there relapse to older forms of behavior from early human tribal history.