Hans Heermann

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Hans Heermann

Hans Heermann (born January 10, 1900 in Essen , † March 27, 1996 in Essen) was a German physician and specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine .


Hans Heermann was born in Essen in 1900 as the fourth of eight children of the medical councilor Josef Heermann. His father worked as an ear, nose and throat doctor and from 1910 to 1933 head doctor at the Krupp Hospital. In 1919 he began studying medicine. He studied in Bonn, Münster, Freiburg, Rostock and Munich, among others. Including his assistant years, he completed his training at 8 different universities. The training to become an ENT doctor took place in Halle with Denker, in Berlin near Halle and in Graz with Zange. The professor in Graz offered him a habilitation, which he did not accept because his father was ill. In 1928 he took over his father's practice. As early as 1930 he developed the first tear duct prosthesis made of stainless steel to keep the tear ducts open. In the same year he published the work “Extrakartilaginare enaural incision to widen the auditory canal”, which was an operational innovation at the time and was accepted worldwide. This surgical technique is still used today and is known as the Heermann cut .

After the death of his father Josef in 1933 he took over his position as head doctor of the ENT department of the Alfried Krupp Hospital in Essen until 1967. In the course of his professional activity he was involved in other innovations in ear, nose and throat medicine. After the war, he was offered an ordinariate in Cologne, which he did without. In 1949 he described the round section around the auricle, which is used to follow extensive inflammatory processes of the middle ear and the mastoid process with a good overview up to the confluens sinuum. In 1957 he developed a procedure for reconstructing the eardrum from the fascia that was removed during the enaural incision. In 1958 he published for the first time about the endonasal implementation of functional nasal and sinus surgery under the binocular surgical microscope. This is how Hans Heermann developed nasal surgery using a microscope. On the basis of this procedure, nasal and sinus surgeries are performed worldwide today. He made important contributions to operative nose surgery, the treatment of larynx cancer and microsurgery of the ear. From 1946 to 1967 he was head of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Essen, Mülheim and Oberhausen. The Friedrich Hofmann Prize, which he initiated together with his son, Joachim Heermann, through a donation in 1975, goes back to his initiative.

In 1960, Hans Heermann was awarded the title of professor for his new surgical techniques. In 1975 the Ludwig Haymann Prize was awarded and he became an honorary member of the Austrian ENT Society. In 1980 he received honorary membership of the German Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery.


  • Jürgen Theissing, Gerhard Rettinger, Jochen Alfred Werner: ENT Operationslehre: With all important interventions Georg Thieme Verlag, March 22, 2006, ISBN 978-3-13-463704-5 .
  • Jürgen Strutz, Wolf Mann: Practice of ENT medicine, head and neck surgery: 265 tables Georg Thieme Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-13-116972-3 .
  • Frank Schmäl, Mathias Nieschalk, Eckhard Nessel, Wolfgang Stoll: Tips and tricks for the ear, nose and throat doctor: Problem solutions from A to Z; with 3 tables. Springer DE, June 30, 2001, ISBN 978-3-642-56912-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Obituary Prof. Dr. Hans Heermann, Essen  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file). Thieme Connect, by W. Draf@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.thieme-connect.de  
  2. a b c ENT pioneer Prof. Dr. Hans Heermann on aekno.de
  3. a b Family tradition - ENT practice Heermann Lutz on hno-essen-privatpraxis-lutz.de/
  4. Enaural access see literature: ENT Operationslehre: With all important interventions; Practice of ENT medicine, head and neck surgery: 265 tables; Tips and tricks for the ear, nose and throat doctor: problem solving from A to Z; with 3 tables
  5. Hofmann-Heermann Prize on hno-essen-privatpraxis-lutz.de