Hans Bell

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Hans Klingel (born March 29, 1932 in Ludwigshafen ; † January 14, 2019 in Braunschweig ) was a German zoologist and behavioral scientist. He was ( emeritus ) professor at the Zoological Institute of the Technical University of Braunschweig . Together with his wife Ute Klingel, he researched the social system of zebras, among other things . The decisive factor for his research in Africa was a request from Bernhard Grzimek .

Scientific career

Hans Klingel studied zoology, botany and chemistry at Carthage College, USA, and in Freiburg and Mainz. After receiving his doctorate in 1958 with Fritz Schaller in Mainz on the reproductive behavior (indirect spermatophore transmission) in the chilopods Scutigera and Scolopendra , he was a scholarship holder of the German Research Foundation from 1958 to 1962 . During this time he researched in Europe and South-East Asia, among other things, on indirect spermatophoric transmission in other lower arthropods (chilopods Lithobius and Geophilus , Pedipalpen) and on the flight behavior of Draco volans . From 1960 to 1962 he made research trips to Asia. In 1962 he received an invitation from Bernhard Grzimek to work on the Serengeti Research Project in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania for three years and to research the behavior and ecology of the plains zebra . From 1962 to 1965 he worked for the Serengeti Research Project in Tanzania. This was followed by a position at the Zoological Institute of the Technical University of Braunschweig . During this time he undertook further research on equidae ( mountain zebra , Grevy's zebra , African wild ass and Asian wild ass ), hippos , giant forest pigs and feral dromedaries . His habilitation took place in 1967, in 1972 he became an adjunct professor and in 1978 he became a professor . He was retired in 1997.

Research and Methods

Research priorities

  • Large mammals
  • Life history
  • Mammalian ecology and behavior
  • Ecoethology
  • Pairing systems
  • Social organization
  • Social behavior
  • Sociobiology

Current research (as of 2010)


  • Outdoor observation
  • Immobilization
  • To mark
  • Radio telemetry


  • 1989: Internationales Naturfilmfestival Naturale, Braunschweig - Silver medal amateurs for The Hippos from the Ishasha River (1981; 16 mm)


Detailed list of publications as PDF

Independent publications or publications written as main or first author

  • Compare Behavioral biology d. Chilopods 'Scutigera coleoptrata' L. ('Spinnenassel') u. 'Scolopendra cingulata' Latreille (Skolopender) (Z. Tierpsych. 17) 60
  • Behavioral analyst u. sensory physiology Under on the fish 'Fierasfer acus' Kaup. (Zoolog. Anzeiger 167) 61
  • Mating behavior in Pedipalps ('Telyphonus caudatus' L., Holopeltidia, Uropygi, and 'Sarax sarawakensis' Simon, Charontinae, Amblypygi) (Verh. Dt. Zool. Ges.) 62
  • Flight behavior v. 'Draco volans' (Agamidae) u. related species (Zoolog. Anzeiger 175) 65
  • Observations on 'Lipistus batuensis' Abr. (Araneae, Mesothelae) (Verh. Dt. Zool. Ges.) 66
  • Social organization u. Behavior of wild plains zebras ('Equus quagga'). Animal psychol. 24, 67 doi : 10.1111 / j.1439-0310.1967.tb00807.x
  • The behavior d. Horses (Equidae) (Hb.Zoologie 8) 72
  • Social org. U. Behavior d. Grevy's zebras ('Equus grevyi') (Z. Tierpsychol. 36) 74
  • Social Org. And Reprod. in Equids (J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl. 23) 75
  • Observations on Social Org. And Behavior of African and Asiatic Wild Asses ('Equus africanus' an 'E. hemionus') (Z. Tierpsychol. 44) 77
  • The social organization and behavior of Hippopotamus amphibius (African Wildlife: Research and Management, Kampala 1986) 91
  • Herd Structure, Leadership, Dominance and Site Attachment of the Camel, Camelus Dromedarius , Behavior 118, 103-114 doi : 10.1163 / 156853991X00229

Co-authored publications

  • Food digestion and water requirements in the Djungarian Hamster Phodopus sungorus, m. B. Schierwater (Z. Mammaliank. 50) 84
  • Behavior, Social Organization and Ecology of feral Camels in Central Australia, m. B. Dörges u. J. Heucke (Z. Mammaliank. 64) 90
  • Hiding behavior in wild Gerenuk fawns, m. U. Reif (Z. Mammaliank. 56) 91
  • Infanticide in the Equidae? m. E. Brenneke et al. V. Serrano (Int. Ethological Conf. 23) 93
  • Ecology, use of space, activity, etc. Social organization d. Pygmy Hippopotamus, Choeropsis liberiensis, m. W. Bülow et al. K. Hentschel (Z. Mammaliank. 60) 95
  • Small populations of yellow-necked mice Apodemus flavicollis in hedges and the like. Small trees, m. G. Sodeikat u. C. Weile (Z. Mammaliank. 60) 95
  • Telemetr. Under z. Use of space and Activity rhythm of free-living yellow-necked mice, m. T. Schwarzenberger (Z. Mammaliank. 60) 95;
  • Population dynamics v. Small mammals in floodplains, m. P. Kosel (Z. Mammaliank. 62) 97
  • Infanticide in ungulates, m. U.Klingel u. a. (Advances in Ethology 36) 01
  • Spatial and temporal patterns in 'Arvicantus niloticus' (Linnaeus 1758) as revealed by radio-tracking, m. A. Hoffmann et al. K. Eckhoff (African J. of Ecology 44) 06

Articles in collective works

  • Communication in Perissodactyla (How Animals Communicate) 77
  • Odd-toed ungulates; Hippopotamus; Camels (Grzimek's Encyclopedia 88 and 89)
  • The social organization and behavior of 'Hippopotamus amphibius' (African Wildlife: Res. And Management) 91
  • Plains Zebra, Hippopotamus, Giant Forest Hog (Mammals of Africa) (2010) in press
  • Wild pigs and hippos (filander) 08

Articles in magazines

  • The War Slaughter in Uganda (The Tier 10) 79
  • A Thousand Zebras in Computer (Das Tier 10) 91
  • Flutuating Fortunes of the River Horse (Natural Hist. 5) 95
  • Life of the Camel (Kagaku Asahi Japan 9) 95
  • Hogs in the Lime Light (Giant Forest Hog) (Swara 27) 04

Lectures as invited speaker at conferences

  • Social Organization of the Equids - International Equine Science Meeting 2008

Individual evidence

  1. Prof. Dr. Hans Klingel: Obituary notice. In: Braunschweiger Zeitung. February 2, 2019, accessed February 2, 2019 .
  2. Hans Klingel, the Secrets of the Hippopotamus . Mona Lisa Production, accessed January 16, 2019.
  3. ^ Profile of Hans Klingel at Researchgate , accessed on January 16, 2019 (English). "Co-authors: Ute Klingel".
  4. Hans Klingel: The social life of the plains zebras . In: n + m - natural science and medicine . 5th vol., No. 24, pp. 10-21.
  5. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 2010
  6. ↑ Main research areas
  7. ^ Winner amateurs from 1985–2001 . naturale.de, accessed on January 16, 2019.
  8. The Hippos of Ishasha River (1981) . wildfilmhistory.org, accessed January 16, 2019.
  9. (IESM 2008) (PDF; 563 kB)