Seiken Kōyaku o Jitsugen suru Kai

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The Seiken Kōyaku o Jitsugen suru Kai ( Japanese 政 権 公約 を 実 現 す る 会 , dt. "Assembly to implement the election program") was a faction of the Japanese Democratic Party around the former MP and party chairman Yukio Hatoyama . It was therefore also called the Hatoyama Group ( 鳩 山 グ ル ー プ , Hatoyama gurūpu ). Until the election victory of the Democrats in the Shūgiin election in 2009 , the faction was called seiken kōtai o jitsugen suru kai ( 政 権 交代 を 実 現 す る 会 , "Assembly for Realizing a Change of Government"). Since the party chairman / prime minister is not officially active in the faction, Akihiro Ōhata , a former SPJ MP, took over the chairmanship of the Hatoyama group in December 2009. As of June 30, 2011, Hatoyama was again the formal chairman.

With over 20 members each in the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party in the upper and lower houses, the Hatoyama group was one of the largest factions. Their base consisted mainly of MPs who, like Hatoyama, had belonged to the Sakigake New Party before the Democratic Party was founded .

Individual evidence

  1. 「政 権 交代 を 実 現 す る 会」 → 「政 権 公約 を 実 現 す る 会」 鳩 山 グ ル ー プ . (No longer available online.) In: msn / Sankei News. September 10, 2009, archived from the original on September 13, 2009 ; Retrieved December 9, 2009 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. 鳩 山 グ ル ー プ 代表 に 大 畠 氏 = 民主 . In: Jiji Tsūshin . December 3, 2009, Retrieved December 9, 2009 (Japanese).
  3. 「団 結 を」 鳩 山 氏 、 グ ル ー プ 会長 復 帰 . In: MSN / Sankei News. July 1, 2011, Retrieved July 5, 2011 (Japanese).