Hooded jay

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Hooded jay
Crested jay (Platylophus galericulatus)

Crested jay ( Platylophus galericulatus )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Corvoidea
Family : Corvids (Corvidae)
Genre : Platylophus
Type : Hooded jay
Scientific name of the  genus
Swainson , 1832
Scientific name of the  species
Platylophus galericulatus
( Cuvier , 1816)

The crested jay ( Platylophus galericulatus ) is a Southeast Asian bird. In the past, the crested jay belonged to the family of the shrike (Laniidae) or the corvidae (Corvidae), its exact affiliation is disputed.


The 33 cm long crested jay is colored reddish brown to black except for a white patch on the neck. The long hood consists mainly of two large feathers turned forward. This crown of feathers flicks back and forth when he lets out his croaking, rattling cries.


The crested jay lives in tropical lowland rainforests and in mountain forests up to 800 m high. The distribution area extends from southwest Thailand to Java and Borneo .


The crested jay feeds on large insects and other invertebrates, which it looks for in the foliage of trees on the middle level of the forest. The bird shows hardly any fear of humans and other animals. During the breeding season, humans are even attacked if they come too close to the nesting sites.


The solid, bowl-shaped nests are usually built between the branches of a tree. The clutch consists of one or two eggs.


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Commons : Crested Jay ( Platylophus galericulatus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files