House Laubach

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House Laubach
Today's view

Today's view

Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: Only part of the complex and pond have been preserved
Place: Mettmann
Geographical location 51 ° 14 '49 "  N , 6 ° 57' 17.9"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 14 '49 "  N , 6 ° 57' 17.9"  E

The Laubach house (in old sources also Loubecke or Lobeck ) is a medieval knight's seat near Mettmann , which was formerly surrounded by moats . Its name comes from the Germanic word lahu for water, lake or pond.


The knight's seat was a fiefdom of the royal court of Mettmann and gave tithe to the St. Lambertus Church in Mettmann until the 12th century . From 1198 the estate had to pay the taxes to the Kaiserswerth monastery . The Drost of Werden Abbey , Ludekin von Buer , and his wife Fye bought the house in 1376 and also lived there. In 1429 Ludekin's children Hermann and Mettel shared the parental inheritance. House Laubach came to Mettel and her husband Maes von Ulenbroich together with other goods. In 1514 the house went to Goswin Lutter von Eller , whose family lived in the house for over 300 years. In 1810 the property totaled 245  acres .

On January 24, 1942, the house was hit by an incendiary bomb, which burned down the roof structure. In the 1990s the house was renovated with federal funds .


  • Horst G. Hütten: Rittergut Laubach (near or in Mettmann). In: Laubacher Hefte . Issue 13. Giessen 1999, p. 78 ff.
  • Dietmar Ahlemann: The Lords of Buer - A West German Family History from the High Middle Ages to the 19th Century. In: West German Society for Family Studies eV (Ed.): Yearbook 2012 . Volume 274. Cologne 2012, p. 231.