House Neumarkt 16

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Dresden, Neumarkt 16
Beutler's House (new building, 2018)

The house Neumarkt 16 (also Beutler's house ) was a baroque residential building in Dresden . It was built in 1706 and destroyed in 1945. From 2015 to 2016 the facade of the house was reconstructed, the new address is: Jüdenhof 7 and 8.


The building at Neumarkt 16 was seven axes wide and five stories high. It was built in 1706 by Georg Haase for the court-Beutler and leather dealer George Trömer in the Bohemian Baroque style.

The facade was framed on the sides by two narrow pilaster strips with fantasy capitals. The axes of the reserves showed simple, smooth-framed windows. There used to be square fields painted on between these reserve windows. The central projection was shaped as a flat protruding template. It was three axes wide and adorned with profiled window frames.

Above the windows on the first floor there were window roofs in the form of cranked segmental arch gables with straight side parts. Under these roofs there were oval cartouches with tendrils, while the roofing over the central window of the first floor was adorned with the head of a bearded man between volutes.

On the second floor, the cranked window roofs were curved in a wave shape; underneath that are roofs with oval cartouches with tendrils. On the third floor, the roofing of the windows had been designed with triangular gables, underneath grotesque-looking male grimaces. The windows on the fourth floor were no longer adorned with window canopies, but rather by the architrave of the main beam running over them .

The windows of the second to fourth upper floor resting on a Sohlbankdekor consisting of consoles, therebetween were lambrequinartig shaped plaster mirror .

Art historical significance

The houses at Landhausstrasse 25 and Neumarkt 16 are considered Georg Haase's “early works”. Both buildings showed large, wide facades with heavy décor and "slender side pilaster strips", which, according to Stefan Hertzig, were not yet in the "selected harmonious relationship that was to characterize the mature works of Haase of the 1710s".


  • Stefan Hertzig together with Walter May and Henning Prinz: The historic Neumarkt in Dresden . Michel Sandstein, 2005 ISBN 3-937602-46-1 , pp. 106 and 107.
  • Stefan Hertzig: The Dresden Bürgerhaus in the time of August the Strong. Society of Historical Neumarkt Dresden e. V., Dresden 2001, ISBN 3-9807739-0-6 , pp. 92-93.

Web links

Commons : Beutlersches Haus  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Stefan Hertzig: The Dresden community center in the time of August the Strong. Society of Historical Neumarkt Dresden e. V., Dresden 2001, ISBN 3-9807739-0-6 , p. 95.

Coordinates: 51 ° 3 ′ 5.3 "  N , 13 ° 44 ′ 20.3"  E