Average commissioner

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Average inspector (English: Surveyor) is a legally unprotected professional title for an expert for transport and goods damage.

An average commissioner is a neutral specialist in the service of the insurance industry , trade and warehouse and means of transport owners. Its task is to assess the damage to goods and items in the event of alleged or actual defects and to determine the cause and amount. They are used primarily by insurers , transport insurers and insurance brokers , the owners of the means of transport or the goods being transported, in shipping by the Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation - in air traffic by the Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation - but also by the carriers themselves.

The expertise relates to the values ​​to be assessed. It is not unusual in shipping captains a. D. in aviation pilots a. D. to use as an expert or to commission specialists from the sectors of the damaged goods (mechanical engineering, food, works of art, etc.) for other transport or storage damage. In the case of transport damage, detailed knowledge of, for example, special machine or system functions takes a back seat to comprehensive knowledge of the transport hazards for these goods, the extent of the damage and the assessment of the overall circumstances of the damage event.

The average commissioner is responsible for a differentiated documentation of the damage pattern, the extent of damage and its probable cause as well as for supporting the damage reduction and, if necessary, the recovery of the cargo. His knowledge is required in order to be aware of conceivable dangers for the cargo and to avoid damage in advance by advising those involved ( Loss Prevention ). His average report (damage report ) is often the decisive document for the determination of performance or compensation obligations, but does not replace the average of an officially appointed average person .

Average inspectors are represented worldwide. Average commissions have been set up in most industrialized and trading countries to ensure rapid and specialized operations.

Web links

Wiktionary: Average commissioner  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations