Hedwig Wagner

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Hedwig Wagner (* 1969 ) is a German media scientist.


In 1988/1989 she acquired Lettres modern (literature 19th / 20th century) at the University of Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II , degree: Diplôme supérieur d'Études françaises 3ème dégré and studied applied cultural studies and aesthetic practice at the from 1989 to 1996 University of Hildesheim in the artistic-scientific main subjects: media studies and visual arts. From 1997 to 2000 she was a lecturer at the HBK Braunschweig , Institute for Media and Film Studies. From 2001 to 2006 she was a research assistant in media philosophy ( Lorenz Engell ) at the media faculty at the Bauhaus University Weimar . From 2006 to 2007 he was a postdoctoral fellow / scientific coordinator at the Graduate College for Cultural Hermeneutics in the Sign of Difference and Transdifference at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg . From 2007 to 2010 she was a research assistant at the Chair for the History and Aesthetics of Media ( Karl Sierek ) at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena . From 2010 to 2016 she taught as a junior professor for European media culture at the Bauhaus University Weimar, received a positive evaluation in 2014. Since 2016 she has been professor for European media studies at the Europa-Universität Flensburg , second membership at the Hochschule Flensburg .

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