Yeast dumpling

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Hearty variation: yeast dumpling with ribs

Hefeklöße are made of dough prepared dumplings . They can either be boiled in a mostly salted water bath or cooked under steam. The yeast dough consists essentially of flour , yeast and water.

The steamed noodles that are widespread in southern Germany and the yeast dumplings (“yeast” stands for baker's yeast in this language area) are common in Bavarian and Viennese cuisine , are special variants of yeast dumpling preparation, just like the Silesian Häweklausla . Sweetened yeast dumplings are traditionally often combined with blueberry compote.

Yeast dumplings are usually round in shape and usually between five and ten centimeters in diameter. They can be stored frozen after the dough has risen.

Usually, after cooking or steaming, each yeast dumpling is torn open at the top to prevent it from collapsing. Alternatively, it is cut into slices with a thread loop. According to a traditional recipe, certain modifications are drizzled with a little brown butter.

A variant that is particularly popular in Franconia are cabbage dumplings , where the yeast dumplings are cooked on sauerkraut . In the Franconian dialect these are also referred to as cabbage poodles .

In large kitchens, extra-large yeast dumplings are also made and served sliced.

Examples of preparation variants

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Definition in Duden