Heinrich Pilartz

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Maria Johannes Heinrich Pilartz (born February 18, 1899 in Cologne ; † November 3, 1968 there ) was a numismatist from Cologne.

He came from a well-known Cologne family. His father and four other people founded the prestigious Cologne civil society as a stock corporation in 1893.

Large Roman coin finds in Cologne led Heinrich Pilartz to amass many Roman imperial coins very early on, which soon led to an extensive collection. In 1920 he started his own business as a master goldsmith and was widely known for his creative work. The business flourished quickly and a little later he employed 22 gold and silversmiths.

In his job he had a lot to do with gold guilders, ducats and magnificent thalers, which he now collected in large numbers. As a founding member of the old Cologne numismatics association "Münzgilde", he knew the specialties and peculiarities of almost all coin collectors from the central Rhineland. This led to the beginning of his coin trade, which quickly expanded.

Grave in the Melaten cemetery

A bombing night in 1944 destroyed most of his coin holdings (approx. 10,000 thalers). It was one of the most important coin collections in Europe. The remainder of the fact that it was relocated to Rockenbach Castle in Franconia was still very extensive.

Until his death in 1968, his coin trade grew by leaps and bounds with sales from auctions, sales catalogs and shop sales. He employed Dr. Beck and PN Schulten. Pilartz was one of the most important German coin dealers of his time.

His grave is in the Melaten cemetery in Cologne (lit. G, between lit. D + E).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Death certificate no. 2001 from November 4, 1968, registry office Cologne-Altstadt. LAV NRW R civil status register, registry office Cologne-Altstadt, deaths, 1968, vol. 4, accessed on April 29, 2018 .
  2. ^ Heinrich Pilartz: A life in the service of numismatics . Ed .: Münzhandlung Pilartz. Cologne 1967, p. 32 .
  3. Verkehrsamt Köln: Art pays off . In: Traffic Office of the City of Cologne (ed.): KÖLN, quarterly for friends of the city . No. 3 . Cologne September 3, 1965.