Heinrich Vriese

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Heinrich Vriese (* in Groningen ; † 1476 ) was a priest and vicar general in Cologne .

Vriese, who comes from Groningen in the Netherlands , enrolled at the artistic faculty of the University of Cologne in 1456 , where, after completing his studies, he became a Dr. jur. utr. and Dr. art. PhD. As a professor at Cologne University, in 1468 he obtained the position of lawyer at the Cologne Curia, became an official in 1471 and, from May 14, 1475 to December 25 of the same year, he was also vicar general of Archbishop Ruprecht of the Palatinate of Cologne . In 1471/72 Vriese was rector of Cologne University.


  • Arnold Güttsches: The Vicars General of the Archbishops from Cologne until the end of the Middle Ages. M. Welzel, 1931, p. 31.