Heinrich Wansing

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Heinrich Wansing (* 1963 ) is a German philosopher and professor of logic and epistemology at the Ruhr University in Bochum .

Academic resume

Wansing received his doctorate in 1992 from the Free University of Berlin with the thesis The Logic of Information Structures . At the University of Leipzig, he completed his habilitation in 1997 with the text Proof-theoretic aspects of intensional and non-classical logics (which appeared in 1998 as Displaying Modal Logic ). From 1999 to 2010 he held the professorship for philosophy of science and logic at the Technical University of Dresden , before he accepted a professorship for logic and epistemology at the Ruhr University Bochum in 2010 .

Research focus

Wansing published a large number of essays and contributions on semantics and proof theory of modal, constructive, multi-valued and other non-classical logics. More specific areas of interest include epistemic logic , intuitionist logic , various paradoxes , non-classical negation, and categorical grammar.


Wansing is editor-in-chief of the book series Trends in Logic ( Springer ) and managing editor of the journal Studia Logica . In 2013 he was awarded the Lotze Medal (named after Hermann Lotze ) from the International Szklarska Poreba Center.



  • Proof Theory of N4-related Paraconsistent Logics , Studies in Logic. Vol. 54, College Publications, London, 2015, with N. Kamide.
  • Truth and Falsehood. An Inquiry into Generalized Logical Values , Trends in Logic. Vol. 36, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011, with Y. Shramko . ISBN 978-94-0070906-5
  • Displaying Modal Logic , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998. ISBN 0-7923-5205-X
  • The Logic of Information Structures , Springer Lecture Notes in AI 681, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. ISBN 3-540-56734-8

Articles (selection)

  • On the Methodology of Possible World Semantics, I: Correspondence Theory , Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 29 (1988), 482-496, with David Pearce.
  • A General Possible Worlds Framework for Reasoning about Knowledge and Belief , Studia Logica, 49 (1990), 523-539, 50 (1991), 359.
  • Functional Completeness for Subsystems of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 22 (1993), 303-321.
  • Informational Interpretation of Substructural Propositional Logics , Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2 (1993), 285-308.
  • Sequent Calculi for Normal Modal Propositional Logics , Journal of Logic and Computation, 4 (1994), 124-142.
  • Tarskian Structured Consequence Relations and Functional Completeness , Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 41 (1995), 73-92.
  • Translation of Hypersequents into Display Sequents , Logic Journal of the IGPL, 6 (1998), 719-733.
  • The Idea of ​​a Proof-Theoretic Semantics , Studia Logica, 64 (2000), 3-20.
  • Sequent Systems for Modal Logics , in: D. Gabbay and F. Guenther (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol. 8 , Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002, 61-145.
  • Diamonds are a Philosopher's Best Friends. The Knowability Paradox and Modal Epistemic Relevance Logic , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 31 (2002), 591-612.
  • Inconsistency-Tolerant Description Logic. Motivation and Basic Systems , in: V. Hendricks and J. Malinowski (eds.), Trends in Logic. 50 Years of Studia Logica , Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003, 301-335, with S. Odintsov.
  • On the Negation of Action Types: Constructive Concurrent PDL , in: P. Hájek, L. Valdes, and D. Westerstahl (eds.), Logic Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress , College Publications, London, 2005, 207-225.
  • Some Useful 16-Valued Logics. How a Computer Network Schould Think , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34 (2005), 167-187, with S. Ganter.
  • Doxastic Decisions, Epistemic Justifications, and the Logic of Agency , Philosophical Studies, 128 (2006), 201-227.
  • Connectives Stranger Than Tonk , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 35 (2006), 653-660.
  • Hyper-Contradictions, Generalized Truth Values ​​and Logics of Truth and Falsehood , Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 15 (2006), 403-424, with Y. Shramko.
  • Inconsistency-Tolerant Description Logic. Part II: Tableau Algorithms , Journal of Applied Logic, 6 (2008), 343-360, with S. Odintsov.
  • Constructive Negation, Implication, and Co-Implication , Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic, 18 (2008), 341-364.
  • The Power of Belnap: Sequent Systems for SIXTEEN 3 , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 39 (2010), 369-393.
  • Generalized Truth Values. A Reply to Dubois , Logic Journal of the IGPL, 18 (2010), 921-935, with ND Belnap.
  • Modal Logics with Belnapian Truth Values , Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic, 20 (2010), 279-301, with SP Odintsov.
  • Proof Theory of Nelson's Paraconsistent Logic: A Uniform Perspective , Theoretical Computer Science, 415 (2012), 1-38, with N. Kamide.
  • External Curries , Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44 (2015), 453-471.
  • Falsification, Natural Deduction, and Bi-Intuitionistic Logic , Journal of Logic and Computation, 26 (2016), 425-450.
  • On the Methodology of Paraconsistent Logic , in: H. Andreas and P. Verdée (eds.), Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics , Springer, Dordrecht, 2016, 174-204, with SP Odintsov.
  • On Split Negation, Strong Negation, Information, Falsification, and Verification , in: K. Bimbó (ed.), J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics , Springer, Dordrecht, 2016, 161-189.
  • Completeness of Connexive Heyting-Brouwer Logic , IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 3 (2016), 441-466, with N. Kamide.
  • Natural Deduction for Bi-Connexive Logic and a Two-Sorted Typed λ-calculus , IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 3 (2016), 413-439.
  • Disentangling FDE-Based Paraconsistent Modal Logics , Studia Logica, online, September 13, 2017, doi: 10.1007 / s11225-017-9753-9 , with SP Odintsov.
  • A More General Proof Theory , Journal of Applied Logic, 25 (2017), 23-46.
  • Inference as Doxastic Agency. Part II: Ramifications and Refinements , Australasian Journal of Logic, 2017, with GK Olkhovikov.
  • Inference as Doxastic Agency. Part I: The Basics of Justification stit Logic , Studia Logica, 2018, with GK Olkhovikov.

Contributions to encyclopedias

  • Connexive Logic , 2006, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), [1]
  • Truth Values , 2010, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), [2] , with Y. Shramko
  • Negation , 2015, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), [3] , with L. Horn


  • Entry in The International Directory of Logicians: Who's Who in Logic , edited by Dov Gabbay and John Woods (eds.), College Publications, London, 2009.

Web links