Heliópolis (Bahia)

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Coordinates: 10 ° 41 ′  S , 38 ° 17 ′  W
Map: Bahia
Heliópolis on the map of Bahia
Basic data
Country Brazil
State Bahia
Residents 12,444  (2010)
City insignia
Bandeira de Heliópolis.jpg
Brasão de heliópolis.png
Detailed data
surface 312.46 km²
Population density 39.8 inhabitants / km 2
height 319  m
Post Code 48445
City Presidency Walter Almeida Rosario
Website www.heliopolis.ba.gov.br
Aerial photograph of Heliópolis (2016)
Aerial photograph of Heliópolis (2016)
BA-393 in Heliópolis

Heliópolis , officially Portuguese Município de Heliópolis , is a small town with 12,444 inhabitants (2010) in the state of Bahia , Brazil .

Web links

Commons : Heliópolis  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. population of Heliópolis
  2. Location of Heliópolis
  3. Map of Heliópolis