Helmut Blocksdorf

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Helmut Blocksdorf (* 1927 ) is a German non-fiction author.


As a member of the Navy, he took part in the Second World War in Pillau as a naval artilleryman in 1944/45 and was subsequently taken prisoner by the Soviets . Back in Germany, he first studied law in the German Democratic Republic and later went to the police , where he was promoted to first chief detective .

He later switched to the private sector and was active in the export and import business.

Works (selection)

  • The fall of the Matabele . Military publishing house of the GDR, Berlin 1979
  • Pillau - Chronicle of a downfall. The escape from East Prussia . Mittler & Sohn, Hamburg 2000. ISBN 3-8132-0722-6
  • The command of small combat units of the Kriegsmarine. The "Storm Vikings". Motorbuch-Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-613-02330-X .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Author information at amazon.de