Helmuth Feilke

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Helmuth Feilke (* 1959 in Wissen an der Sieg ) is a German linguist and has been a professor for German linguistics and didactics of the German language at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen since 2001 . He has been co-editor of the journal Praxis Deutsch (Friedrich Verlag) since 1998 and co-editor of the renowned specialist journal Germanistische Linguistik (de Gruyter Verlag) since 2003 .


After studying German, social sciences and philosophy at the University of Siegen, Feilke obtained his doctorate in Germanic linguistics on the subject of "Common sense competence" at the University of Siegen in 1994 . The habilitation for the subjects German linguistics and didactics of the German language with the script "Language as a social figure" took place in 1996 there. From 1997 to 1998 he worked as a university lecturer for German linguistics at the University of Siegen, and in the same year he was appointed professor for German linguistics and didactics of the German language at Bielefeld University. In 2001 he was finally appointed to the University of Giessen, where he was dean of studies from 2002 to 2003 and vice dean of the language-literature-culture department from 2008 to 2011.

Research priorities

  • Language theory and competence theory
  • Text procedures, idioms and phraseology
  • Acquisition of language skills (vocabulary, grammar and text)
  • Literary competence (language and writing, writing system, written language acquisition, text type competence)
  • Language didactics and German lessons

Honourings and prices

Publications (selection)


  • Feilke, Helmuth (1996): Language as a social shape. Expression, character and the order of the linguistic typics . Frankfurt a. M .: Suhrkamp. (Habilitation thesis)
  • Feilke, Helmuth (1994): Common sense competence. Reflections on a theory of 'sympathetic' and 'natural' opinion and understanding . Frankfurt a. M .: Suhrkamp. (Dissertation)


  • Feilke, Helmuth / Pohl, Thorsten (2014): Written Language Use - Writing Texts . Series DTP Volume 4, Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
  • Feilke, Helmuth / Lehnen, Katrin (2012): Writing and text routines. Theory, acquisition and didactic modeling . Frankfurt a. M .: Peter Lang.


  • Feilke, Helmuth (2016): Introduction: Language - Culture - Science , in: Ludwig Jäger , u. a. (Ed.): Sprache - Kultur - Kommunikation / Language - Culture - Communication. An International Handbook of Linguistics as a Cultural Discipline. De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston, ISBN 978-3-11-022450-4 , pp. 9-36.
  • Feilke, Helmuth (2013): Educational language and school language - using the example of literal argumentative skills . In: Michael Becker-Mrotzek / Karen Schramm / Eike Thürmann / Helmut Johannes Vollmer (eds.): Language in the subject. Linguistic and professional learning. Münster: 2013, pp. 113–130 (Waxmann, series Fachdidaktische Forschungen, Vol. 3).
  • Feilke, Helmuth / Köster, Juliane / Steinmetz, Michael (2013): Introduction - text skills in secondary level II . Stuttgart, pp. 7-18.
  • Feilke, Helmuth (2012): Educational language skills - promoting and developing . Praxis Deutsch 233, pp. 4–13.
  • Feilke, Helmuth (2012): School Language - How School Makes Language . In: Günthner, Susanne / Wolfgang Imo / Dorothee Meer / Jan Georg Schneider (eds.) Communication and the public. Linguistic potential between empiricism and norm. Berlin / Boston (de Gruyter), pp. 149–175.

Web links

  • Feilke on the website of the University of Giessen (accessed on June 5, 2013)